Thursday, May 7, 2009

Book Review: Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging

Title: Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging
Author: Louise Rennison
Genre: YA, Commercial Fiction
Rating: B+

Abbreviated Summary (from "She has a precocious 3-year-old sister who tends to leave wet nappies at the foot of her bed, an insane cat who is prone to leg-shredding 'Call of the Wild' episodes, and embarrassing parents who make her want to escape to Stonehenge and dance with the Druids. No wonder 14-year-old Georgia Nicolson laments, 'Honestly, what is the point?'

"A Bridget Jones for the younger set, Georgia records the momentous events of her life--and they are all momentous--in her diary, which serves as a truly hilarious account of what it means to be a modern girl on the cusp of womanhood. No matter that her particular story takes place in England, the account of her experiences rings true across the ocean (and besides, "Georgia's Glossary" swiftly eradicates any language barriers)."

Review: I read this book in about two hours. It was quick, it was funny, it was British, and there was enough to get me to go back to the 1/2-Price Bookstore (where I picked up this book) and grab the next one in the series. Georgia is hilarious (and so are the mad-cap situations she gets herself into) and the "Sex God" seems interesting--the 14-year-old/18-year-old relationship should be a good, fun read.

This isn't a book that you're going to be writing any reports on, that's not Rennison's point, but it is one that will cause you to laugh out loud... which earns her a B+.

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