Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Teaser Tuesday... Kind of

Teaser Tuesday posts are supposed to be a brief teaser (around two to three sentences) from the book you're currently reading.

However, I'm currently reading American Born Chinese a graphic novel written and illustrated by Gene Luen Yang, which doesn't really fit into the traditional Teaser Tuesday format. So, I give you three panels (pages 29-31) that are wonderfully provided from the publisher's website. (Click the panels to see them in full-size.)

If you enjoyed those panels, which made me laugh, check out some more on the First Second Books website... which is awesome... and then pick up a copy of the book.


Harvee44 said...

This is hilarious. I have to get this book for my two sons.

My teaser, I hope you'll like. It does explain the surroundings and circumstances for the two sentences.

avisannschild said...

What a great teaser!

Anonymous said...

Probably the largest gap in my local library (and the network of libraries it is connected to) is the dearth of graphic novels. I would so like to find this one there, but I'd probably have more luck finding a winning lottery ticket.

bookbabie said...

Very cool. I keep reading reviews of graphic novels but have yet to read one. I wonder if my book club would be willing, hmm, have to suggest that at the next meeting!

gautami tripathy said...

I like this. I must check it out!

Teasers/Whereabouts: Tender Graces by Kathryn Magendie

kayerj said...

loved your teaser. read my teaser here

JoAnn said...

A graphic teaser - I love it!! I enjoyed this book, too.

Marie Cloutier said...

what a great teaser! ABC is a fantastic graphic novel :-)

Phyl said...

What a beautifully creative teaser! Wonderful.

Meanwhile, my own is at Bookishgal

Anonymous said...

I love the teaser!

Caitlin said...

I gave you an award!


Jenny Girl said...

That is funny and unfortunately probably happens more then we realize. Poor kid!

I'm having some trouble with Alice and her crazy wonderland. Maybe I'm too grown up? Never read this as a child, so I have no previous memories to draw from.