What is the lightest, most "fluff," book you've read recently?
I'm having a hard time answering this question.
If you were to look at my book reviews from the past month, you'd see books that are about Teenage Zombie Love; Life as a Teenage Vampire; Girls on the Football Team; Girls Playing Soccer; Teenagers Stuck Inside a "Bubble" Who Start Killing Each Other With Super Powers; Guys Trying to Start a Rock Band; Teenagers Having Sex; Teenagers Falling Down and Bumping Their Heads; and Teenagers With Porn Star Moms. That all sounds "fluffy," right?
But, if you read the reviews or thought about what the books mean in the bigger, cosmic sense, they could also be classified as books about Overcoming Prejudices; Finding Yourself; Fighting Against Odds; The Psychology of Human Nature; Healing Old Wounds; Becoming Your Own Person; Going Against What's Popular; and Defining Your Own Identity. For teenagers, the target audience of these books, those are some of the most important topics that they can be considering, right?
It's hard to say because "fluff" is a relative term.
You make a very good point!
I agree! What one considers fluff might be quite serious to someone else!
YA literature is fluff for me!
Booking through recent fluff
I just picked up Zombie Blondes from the library :)
That's very true. Fluff is a relative term. Here is mine
Great post and I agree fluff is definitely a relative term.
fluff is relative, nice answer. I’m booking thru Thursday here
You're right. Different people view "fluff" different ways...
The books that I usually label "fluff" are romances and some chick lit.
In love fluffy cozy mysteries! The last one I can recall laughing a lot while reading is Killer Cruise.
Yup! haha I totally get you =)
What a great post! I loved your answer. Happy DOT!
Excellent point! I agree with you.
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