"What book blogs mean something to you? Who are your most trusted sources for recommendations, your greatest help, the blogger you turn to for a laugh or to vent? Whose writing do you admire or who introduced you to a whole new genre you didn’t know about?..."
I'm not going to get all personal with people I love, admire, respect, dream about, aspire to be, etc., because--in keeping with the spirit of the blog I'm going to feature--let's keep it real.
I have fallen in love with Forever Young Adult. These gals that are more A than Y, but are addicted to YA reading (so close to my heart) are laugh-out-loud funny. And really responsive to comments. Be-Yoo-Ti-Ful Blog! (See that? I just gave them an exclamation point. What high praise.)

I hadn't seen this blog yet, but it isa really fun one! Thanks! :D
I didn't list too many. here is mine
thanks lady! i consider an exclamation point high praise indeed (although i tend to heavily abuse that system).
over at FYA we've been loving yr comments, and even though we don't know each other, you've probably guessed that i'm an extraordinarily cheesy person so it will come as no surprise when i type: I'M SO GLAD WE FOUND EACH OTHER!!!! (<-- see what i mean? i'm ridiculous)
I love to be called a lady. (Especially immediately after I belch.)
I've been LOVING your comments over at FYA, so thanks for the shout-out!
You all FYA-ers are so very nice and comment-y and shout-out-worthy.
Thank you so much!!! It's so fun for us FYAers to have intelligent, thoughtful AND witty commenters like yourself!
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