Hate List by Jennifer Brown was released earlier this month, and it looks fantastic. But beyond that awesome-ness, Ali at Worducopia highlighted a contest that the author is having at her blog--"Add to her 'Love List' (a list of things and people she loves) to help balance out the 'Hate List' that Valerie and Nick [from the book] shared for three years before the shooting, and you could win a bag full of goodies (including a copy of Hate List) or a $20 Barnes & Noble gift certificate."
If you think your job is crap-tastic and/or you are an aspiring author (because aren't we all?), then take a look at this helpful post from The Rejectionist. The results of reading this post will either be: 1) You will complain about your job less because you realize it could be worse; or 2) You give up writing your magnum opus about raindrops because you realize it will never be published because it's awful. Either way, fun reading over at that blog.
I'm wondering if I should start calling this feature, "Let Me Re-post Everything from Omnivoracious" because their blog is completely rock-n-roll (unironically). One tidbit posted on their YA Wednesdays post really caught my attention: the cheese-erific Sweet Valley High is being adapted for film by Diablo Cody (I see dangerous things in store for Jessica and Elizabeth). They had other interesting tid-bits about censorship and book banning (Banned Books Week is coming up soon.) that you might want to check out. Pimp my Novel gave a little blog-service to this topic in their Friday Round-up... check out their contest.
Great info. I love The Rejectionist!
Don't shoot the messenger - news about Lauren Conrad's book acquired by Twilight exec prod team.
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