Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What's On My Nightstand? November Style

I thought I would do my "What's On Your Nightstand?" post for November with a Thanksgiving theme... now I just have to decide whether that means it'll be related to what I'm thankful about in regard to my recent reading or food.

The first question to answer in this post is to address what books you hope to read in the upcoming month. My pickings for December are kind of cafeteria style (Can you tell which Thanksgiving focus I picked?). I desperately need to finish up the graphic novels that have been languishing from the library--V for Vendetta, Marvel's 1602, and the book Everything You Need to Know About Graphic Novels. Secondly, I need to crack away at the rest of the books on my reading list for the Modern Classics challenge--The Poisonwood Bible, Into Thin Air, Watchmen, and four others. I have Christmas break (December 19 - January 4) off of work, so I'm hoping to eat my way through a good chunk of that.

The other item to include in this post is a look back at what I've digested in November. (Get it? Digested? Funny, right?) I only got three book reviews up this month: Practical Magic, Chasing Windmills, and The Corrections. Two out of three of those books were delicious... the other just left me feeling empty.

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!

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