Welcome to the start of something wonderful: Book Blogger Appreciation Week 2011. I do very much appreciate all of those in the book blogging community who have helped me to get wider exposure to the beautiful body of literature.
Today's meme theme is, "Highlight a couple of bloggers that have made book blogging a unique experience for you..." I'm going to grab a couple of the sample prompts that the BBAW group provided and feature three bloggers who have helped me in one way or another.
1. First Comment
I am ashamed to say that the
first book that I reviewed, nay fawned over, was
Twilight in 2008. What can I say? At the time, I was smitten with a summer crush who later left me quite unsatisfied. But, that doesn't deny the fact that Liam (of
Liam's Alternate Reality) was the first person to comment on a post. He proved the fact that someone was reading the drivel that I was putting out into the 'sphere. Liam doesn't appear to be blogging now (no post since 2009), but he still claims a little piece of my history. Even if he is now history.
2. Most Recommendations
In doing a quick scan of the books that I've read and reviewed (157+), the blogger(s) who recommended the most were the fellas over at
The Enthusiasticast... [which is really a podcast] with 5:
The Financial Lives of the Poets, The City & The City, Daemon (with
Freedom), and
His Majesty's Dragon. I also read and loved (but was too lazy to review
Masked, which I really should review because it's A-W-E-S-O-M-E
). This is in addition to the other books I have bought, but not yet read, because of their recommendations (
The Brief Wondrous Live of Oscar Wao,
All-Star Superman v.1, Machine of Death, and
The Stars My Destination). I also bought
Shop Class as Soul Craft as a gift, based on their recommendation. Those guys are money in the bank.
3. First "Freebie"
I've received a few freebies, although not many, which makes them all the more memorable. Thanks to
J. Kaye Oldner for the book
Chasing Windmills. You were my first.
Thank you so much to the bloggers, podcasters, readers, writers, editors, agents, publishing house staff, book store sales people, librarians and library staff, and pick-packers ('cause we buy 'em from the 'net now too) for all you do to help make reading so awesome.