Here's what rocked and rolled its way onto my nightstand in the month of February:
To Be Read - The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl, Dedication, The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, Empire Falls, In Your Room, Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys, and The Women
Wish List - The Geography of Bliss, Heloise & Abelard: A New Biography, Jane Austen Ruined my Life, A Mouth Like Yours, The Strangler, The Thirteenth Tale, and Through the Children's Gate: A Home in New York
Books I Finished/Reviewed - Knights of the Hill Country, Evolution, Me and Other Freaks of Nature, Girls for Breakfast, In the Break, Bridge of Sighs, and Younger (Reviews on the last two coming soon)
How's that for a month? I got 1 book off my "TBR" list (the other books I read/reviewed were impulse buys at the store or the library), and added another 6 books to the shelf. None of those books that I added to the shelf were "wish list" items, they were just impulse buys based on liking other works by the author, or being attracted to it in some other way.
Every month the TBR shelf and the wish list grow, but they never seem to get any smaller even though I consistently read 4 or more books a month. I wonder why...
I have The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks on List for March reading.
I want to read Jane Austen Ruined My Life...maybe in March but most probably will be on my April list.
Happy Reading!
I still have to review the books I just finished this month.
What's On My Nightstand
I have Jane Austen Ruined My Life on my wish list too. The Thirteenth Tale was excellent.
I really enjoyed Jane Austen Ruined My Life--hope you do too!
Wish list, huh?
I devoured the 13th Tale.
I read somewhere that Jane Austen ruined my life is a good read. Looking forward to your review once you've read it. :)
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