Sunday, June 7, 2009

48-Hour Book Challenge Status Update #4

Time Elapsed: 45.5 Hours
Reading Completed: 8 Hours

Today I've been way busier than I'd planned on being. My sister asked me to go geocaching with her, which I am usually resistant and I've been putting her off a lot lately, so I acquiesced and spent nearly six hours doing that. One good thing came out of it, beyond spending a ton of time having fun with my sister and nephew: I read in the car coming and going, so I picked up two hours.

I'm further into Hood, only 200 pages left to go, and should finish that before the 48 hours is up. That means I'll have accomplished half of the "to-do list" that I posted at the start of the challenge. I'm planning on reading/blogging/networking straight through to the end, so I'll end up at a little over 10 hours, definitely not a winning time, but when you've been reading a good book, how can you lose?

Read all of my 48-Hour-Book-Challenge-related posts here.


Marie Cloutier said...

Congrats on the challenge- one of these days I've got to try one! :-)

Jess said...

Congrats on the challenge and all the reading you finished.